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Fungal Genomics and Industrial Applications Lab
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page:
The Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía (IAA) is an institute belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Granada - Andalucía. The activities of the IAA - CSIC are related to research in the field of astrophysics and the development of instrumentation for telescopes and spacecraft.
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page:
Scipion team located at the National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB, CSIC)
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page:
Our goal is deciphering the complexity of microbial metabolism, its evolutionary and biotechnological implications through a multidisciplinary approach. By assuming that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of the emergent properties of microbial systems at subcellular, cellular and supracellular levels. We pursuit the rational re-design of these system properties towards novel biotechnological and medical applications.
A team to try the workflow hub and register workflows
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: Not specified
Develop and implement 4 DTCs for volcano-related extremes: volcanic unrest (DTC-V1), forecast of volcanic ash clouds and fallout (DTC-V2), lava flows (DTC-V3), and volcanic gases (DTC-V4).
Test the 4 DTC-V through demonstrators at 3 relevant European sites: Mt. Etna in Italy (SD1), and Grímsvötn and Fagradalsfjall in Iceland (SD2 and SD3 respectively).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page:
Develop and implement 1 DTC for data-informed Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF) (DTC-T1)
Test the DTC-T1 through demonstrators at 4 relevant sites: Mediterranean sea coast (SD4), Eastern Sicily (SD5), Chilean cost (SD6), and Eastern Honshu coast in Japan (SD7).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page:
Provide an integrated, comprehensive, modular modelling and testing framework
Develop multi-scale workflows applicable beyond the identified test-areas enabling improved physical understanding and progress beyond state-of-the-art in the earthquake process.
Develop and implement 6 DTCs covering earthquake-related aspects over long and short time scales
Test the 6 DTC-E at 4 relevant sites: Euro-Med (SD8), Central Apennines and Alto-Tiberina (SD9), Bedretto Lab (SD10) and the Alps (SD11).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page: