
What is a Workflow?
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What is this?

This code can be used to automatically determine hearing thresholds from ABR hearing curves.

One of the following methods can be used for this purpose:

  • neural network (NN) training,
  • calibration of a self-supervised sound level regression (SLR) method

on given data sets with manually determined hearing thresholds.


Run inside the src directory:

Installation as python package

pip install -e ./src (Installation as python

Type: Python

Creators: None

Submitter: Elida Schneltzer

This notebook is about pre-processing the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) raw data files provided by Ingham et. al to create a data set for Deep Learning models.

The unprocessed ABR data files are available at Dryad.

Since the ABR raw data are available as zip-archives, these have to be unzipped and the extracted raw data files parsed so that the time ...

Type: Jupyter

Creator: Elida Schneltzer

Submitter: Elida Schneltzer

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