
What is a Workflow?
2 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 2


A Snakemake-wrapper for evaluating de novo bacterial genome assemblies, e.g. from Oxford Nanopore (ONT) or Illumina sequencing.

The workflow includes the following programs:


Type: Snakemake

Creator: Peter Menzel

Submitter: Peter Menzel

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.786.1



A Snakemake wrapper for easily creating de novo bacterial genome assemblies from Oxford Nanopore (ONT) sequencing data, and optionally Illumina data, using any combination of read filtering, assembly, long and short read polishing, and reference-based polishing.

Included programs

read filtering assembly long read polishing short read polishing reference-based polishing

Type: Snakemake

Creator: Peter Menzel

Submitter: Peter Menzel

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.787.1

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