
What is a Workflow?
33 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 33

Clinical Metaproteomics 4: Quantitation

Type: Galaxy

Creator: GalaxyP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow takes as input SR BAM from ChIP-seq. It calls peaks on each replicate and intersect them. In parallel, each BAM is subsetted to smallest number of reads. Peaks are called using all subsets combined. Only peaks called using a combination of all subsets which have summits intersecting the intersection of at least x replicates will be kept.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Lucille Delisle

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow processes the CMO fastqs with CITE-seq-Count and include the translation step required for cellPlex processing. In parallel it processes the Gene Expresion fastqs with STARsolo, filter cells with DropletUtils and reformat all outputs to be easily used by the function 'Read10X' from Seurat.

Scaffolding using HiC data with YAHS.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: VGP, Galaxy

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

A workflow for the analysis of pox virus genomes sequenced as half-genomes (for ITR resolution) in a tiled-amplicon approach

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Viktoria Isabel Schwarz, Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Automated inference of stable isotope incorporation rates in proteins for functional metaproteomics

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Matthias Bernt

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Generate Nx and Size plot for multiple assemblies


Collection of fasta files. The name of each item in the collection will be used as label for the Nx and Size plots.


  1. Nx plot
  2. Size plot

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Delphine Lariviere, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow takes as input a SRA_manifest from SRA Run Selector and will generate one fastq file or fastq pair of file for each experiment (concatenated multiple runs if necessary). Output will be relabelled to match the column specified by the user.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Lucille Delisle, Pierre Osteil, Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Antimicrobial resistance gene detection from assembled bacterial genomes

Type: Galaxy

Creators: ABRomics , Pierre Marin, Pierre Marin, abromics-consortium

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Assembly of bacterial paired-end short read data with generation of quality metrics and reports

Type: Galaxy

Creators: ABRomics , Pierre Marin, Clea Siguret, abromics-consortium

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

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