
What is a Workflow?
2 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 2


This pipeline has as major goal provide a tool for protein interactions (PPI) prediction data formalization and standardization using the OntoPPI ontology. This pipeline is splitted in two parts: (i) a part to prepare data from three main sources of PPI data (HINT, STRING and PredPrin) and create the standard files to be processed ...

Type: Python

Creator: Yasmmin Martins

Submitter: Yasmmin Martins



HPPIDiscovery is a scientific workflow to augment, predict and perform an insilico curation of host-pathogen Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) using graph theory to build new candidate ppis and machine learning to predict and evaluate them by combining multiple PPI detection methods of proteins according to three categories: structural, based on primary aminoacid sequence and functional annotations.

HPPIDiscovery contains three main steps: (i) acquirement of pathogen and host proteins ...

Type: Snakemake

Creator: Yasmmin Martins

Submitter: Yasmmin Martins

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