
What is a Team?
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Our research group Methods and Algorithms for Bioinformatics belongs to French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and is hosted by the Computer Science Dpt of University of Montpellier (in the LIRMM joint unit UMR 5506). We offer interactive web services, software, and programming libraries for bioinformatics on the ATGC bioinformatic platform. Well known software from our group are for instance ...

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Space: Independent Teams

Public web page:

Develop and implement 1 DTC for Anthropogenic Geophysical Extreme Forecasting (AGEF) with 4 workflow outcomes: forecasting of long-range responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF1), forecasting of late responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF2), modelling of the largest magnitude (TC-AGEF3), and induced seismic hazard map estimation (TC-AGEF4).

Test the DTC-A through demonstrators at 2 relevant European sites: Strasbourg geothermal site in France (SD12) and KGHM copper ore mine in Poland (SD13).

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