WP8 - Anthropogenic geophysical extremes

Develop and implement 1 DTC for Anthropogenic Geophysical Extreme Forecasting (AGEF) with 4 workflow outcomes: forecasting of long-range responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF1), forecasting of late responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF2), modelling of the largest magnitude (TC-AGEF3), and induced seismic hazard map estimation (TC-AGEF4).

Test the DTC-A through demonstrators at 2 relevant European sites: Strasbourg geothermal site in France (SD12) and KGHM copper ore mine in Poland (SD13).

Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)

SEEK ID: https://workflowhub.eu/projects/182

Funding codes:
  • 101058129

Public web page: https://dtgeo.eu/

Organisms: No Organisms specified

WorkflowHub PALs: No PALs for this Team

Team created: 1st Aug 2023

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