
What is a Workflow?
4 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 6


Source for workflow definitions for the open source RQuest OMOP Worker tool developed for Hutch/TRE-FX

Note: ARM workflows are currently broken. x86 ones work.


### Body Sample input payload:

"task_id": "job-2023-01-13-14: 20: 38-", 
"project": "", 
"owner": "", 
"cohort": { 
"groups": [ 
"rules": [ 
"varname": "OMOP", 
"varcat": "Person", 
"type": "TEXT", 
"oper": "=", 
"value": "8507" 
"rules_oper": "AND" 
"groups_oper": "OR" 

This is an experimental KNIME workflow of using the BioExcel building blocks to implement the Protein MD Setup tutorial for molecular dynamics with GROMACS.

Note that this workflow won't import in KNIME without the experimental KNIME nodes for BioBB - contact Adam Hospital for details.


This PyCOMPSs workflow tutorial aims to illustrate the process of setting up a simulation system containing a protein, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb) in PyCOMPSs for execution on HPC. Three variants of the MD Setup workflows are included, supporting a list of structures, a list of mutations, or a cumulative set of mutations.

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