Remedios Otero Candelera

About Remedios Otero Candelera:

Remedios Otero Candelera began her research career with clinical work and has progressively participated in translational research projects until she became the leader of the Respiratory Diseases group of the Cardiovascular, Respiratory and other Systemic Pathology Area at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville on the campus of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital. He also coordinates the research group of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI) (CTS551): Research Group on Venous Thromboembolic Disease and Pulmonary Circulation and is a member of the CIBERES group CB19/06/0002, with responsibility for scientific co-coordination in the Pulmonary Hypertension Research Programme of CIBERES. She completed her training at the Hôpital Cantonale de Genève (Switzerland) and at the Thrombosis Research Institute in London (England). She is an associate lecturer at the University of Seville and a member of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Molecular Biology, Biomedicine and Clinical Research. She has supervised or tutored 8 doctoral theses at the University of Seville and another 6 are currently being carried out, one of them at the University of Valencia. Among the most outstanding milestones in her career is her pioneering role in coordinating the first clinical trial on home treatment for pulmonary embolism, FIS-PI030288, which resulted in 6 original publications. With the FIS-PI1102308 project, she initiated the first translational studies, led as principal investigator, on the role of extracellular microvesicles in thromboembolic disease and cancer, which has resulted in 3 impact publications and two doctoral theses. Project FIS-PI15/01085 resulted in a patent application, P202231096, which develops a new kit of 8 diagnostic miRNAs for chronic thromboembolic hypertension. FIS-PI18/01640 initiated the independent clinical trial on physical training after pulmonary embolism, which led to grant P20_01277 and the implementation of the digital platform, ACTIBBAR, for the prescription of personalised physical exercise in patients who have suffered pulmonary embolism. com/drive/folders/1WK2o90VTSRSRSHtSz0Q5aC2fE_kyzuptlj?usp=share_linkAt present, the ACTIBBAR platform is available to doctors at the Virgen del Rocío and Virgen Macarena Hospitals in Seville, but it is ready to be applied to other hospitals in the Andalusian Public Health System, and it is technically possible to export it to other IT environments and therefore be transferred to other Autonomous Communities and even to other countries. It has been a founding member of the RIETE project since its inception. RIETE is an international multidisciplinary project started in March 2001, which currently involves 197 active hospitals worldwide and has obtained an extensive data registry of 116,621 consecutive patients with venous thromboembolism. His involvement in this project has resulted in multiple co-authorships in international collaborative work and his participation in meetings and forums.

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