Assembly and quantification metatranscriptome using metagenome data.
Version: see VERSION
MetaGT is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for improving and quantification metatranscriptome assembly using metagenome data. The pipeline supports Illumina sequencing data and complete metagenome and metatranscriptome assemblies. The pipeline involves the alignment of metatranscriprome assembly to the metagenome assembly with further extracting CDSs, which are covered by ...
RNASeq-DE @ NCI-Gadi processes RNA sequencing data (single, paired and/or multiplexed) for differential expression (raw FASTQ to counts). This pipeline consists of multiple stages and is designed for the National Computational Infrastructure's (NCI) Gadi supercompter, leveraging multiple nodes to run each stage in parallel.
Infrastructure_deployment_metadata: Gadi (NCI)