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The Australian BioCommons enhances digital life science research through world class collaborative distributed infrastructure. It aims to ensure that Australian life science research remains globally competitive, through sustained strategic leadership, research community engagement, digital service provision, training and support.
Teams: Australian BioCommons, QCIF Bioinformatics, Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, Sydney Informatics Hub, Janis, Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP), Galaxy Australia, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) WorkflowHub team
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Working closely with researchers, the QCIF Bioinformatics team apply data management, processing, integration, analysis and visualisation techniques to maximise the potential value of biological and clinical data sets. QCIF Bioinformatics is a partner in the Australian BioCommons.
Space: Australian BioCommons
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This document is adapted from the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy [ tutorials/mothur-miseq-sop-short/tutorial.html] and [ topics/metagenomics/tutorials/mothur-miseq-sop/tutorial.html]. Please also go through these tutorials for better understandings. Note: The steps mentioned in this document are well suited for V3-V4 regions. However the parameters could be varied if ...
Creators: Ahmed Mehdi, Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements
Submitter: Sarah Williams
From the R1 and R2 fastq files of a single samples, make a scRNAseq counts matrix, and perform basic QC with scanpy. Then, do further processing by making a UMAP and clustering. Produces a processed AnnData Depreciated: use individual workflows insead for multiple samples
Takes fastqs and reference data, to produce a single cell counts matrix into and save in annData format - adding a column called sample with the sample name.
Take a scRNAseq counts matrix from a single sample, and perform basic QC with scanpy. Then, do further processing by making a UMAP and clustering. Produces a processed AnnData object.
Depreciated: use individual workflows insead for multiple samples
From the R1 and R2 fastq files of a single samples, make a scRNAseq counts matrix, and perform basic QC with scanpy. Then, do further processing by making a UMAP and clustering. Produces a processed AnnData
Depreciated: use individual workflows insead for multiple samples
Basic processing of a QC-filtered Anndata Object. UMAP, clustering e.t.c
Take an anndata file, and perform basic QC with scanpy. Produces a filtered AnnData object.
Takes fastqs and reference data, to produce a single cell counts matrix into and save in annData format - adding a column called sample with the sample name.
Loads a single cell counts matrix into an annData format - adding a column called sample with the sample name. (Input format - matrix.mtx, features.tsv and barcodes.tsv)
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for pipeline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for pipeline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for pipeline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for pipeline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short)
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for piepline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for piepline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements, Ahmed Mehdi
Submitter: Sarah Williams
This collection houses some scanpy-based scRNAseq workflows on galaxy Australia.
The aim of these workflows is to handle the routine ‘boring’ part of single cell RNAseq data processing. It will produces an ‘AnnData’ object, which can then be used as a base for downstream analysis – either within galaxy or outside of it. AnnData is a standard format used by the ‘scanpy’ python package.
These workflows represent just one way of processing data for a ‘typical’ scRNAseq experiment – there are many ...
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for piepline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Maintainers: Sarah Williams, Ahmed Mehdi, Original galaxy workflow developers: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements
Number of items: 7
Tags: Not specified