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Biodiversity Genomics Europe, funded by Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-01, aims at aligning the resources and research agendas of both DNA barcoding and reference genome generation, thus opening the door for a true quantum leap in biodiversity genomics research in Europe.

Despite ground-breaking developments in both DNA barcoding and full genome sequencing, there remains a critical need to develop and strengthen functioning communities of practice ...

Teams: Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, Biodiversity Genomics Europe (general)

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The Biodiversity Digital Twin prototype provides advanced models for simulation and prediction capabilities, through practical use cases addressing critical issues related to global biodiversity dynamics.

BioDT exploits the LUMI Supercomputer and employs FAIR data combined with digital infrastructure, predictive modelling and AI solutions, facilitating evidence-based solutions for biodiversity protection and restoration.

Funded by Horizon Europe call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01 101057437, the ...

Teams: BioDT Use Case Ecosystem services, BioDT Use Case Biodiversity dynamics, BioDT Use Case DNA detected biodiversity, poorly known habitats, BioDT Use Case Crop wild relatives and genetic resources for food security, BioDT Use Case Invasive species, BioDT Use Case Endangered species, BioDT Use Case Disease outbreaks, BioDT Use Case Pollinators, BioDT additional pipelines

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ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe. These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.

The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single infrastructure. This infrastructure makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise, and agree on best practices. Ultimately, it will help them gain new insights into how living ...

Teams: ELIXIR Training, FAIR Computational Workflows, EuroScienceGateway, BY-COVID (general), ELIXIR Tools platform, ELIXIR Metabolomics

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