Presented at the BioExcel Summer School 2021 this lecture shows how to use BioExcel Building Blocks (BioBB).
See also part 1.
Creator: Adam Hospital
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 7.5 km2 large Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas ('Bagnas') in France (3.514360 E, 43.314332 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling
MMV Im2Im Transformation
A generic python package for deep learning based image-to-image transformation in biomedical applications
The main branch will be further developed in order to be able to use the latest state of the art techniques and methods in the future. To reproduce the results of our manuscript, we refer to the branch ...
Gene similariy anaylsis across physiological systems in IMPC phenotype data
A Jupyter Notebook tool for analysing user specified genes across the different physiological systems in IMPC data.
The tool takes as input a list of gene ids (MGI ids or Gene Symbol ids). The elemnts in the list could be separated by a comma, semicolumn, tab or newline.
The program will create an heatmap representing the number of phenotypes and the mp term list for each gene contained in ...
BridgeDb tutorial: Gene HGNC name to Ensembl identifier
This tutorial explains how to use the BridgeDb identifier mapping service to translate HGNC names to Ensembl identifiers. This step is part of the OpenRiskNet use case to link Adverse Outcome Pathways to WikiPathways.
First we need to load the Python library to allow calls to the BridgeDb REST webservice:
import requests
Let's assume we're interested ...
Description: SSP-based RCP scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP8.5 global forcing pathway with SSP5 socioeconomic conditions. Concentration-driven. Rationale: the scenario represents the high end of plausible future pathways. SSP5 is the only SSP with emissions high enough to produce the 8.5 W/m2 level of forcing in 2100.
This workflow is answering to the following scientific question:
- Is it worth investing in artificial snowmaking equipment ...