Workflow Type: Galaxy

Antimicrobial resistance gene detection from assembled bacterial genomes


ID Name Description Type
Input sequence fasta #main/Input sequence fasta Can be any fasta file.
  • File
Select a AMR genes detection database #main/Select a AMR genes detection database Select the database to identify AMR genes with AMRFinderPlus.
  • string
Select a taxonomy group point mutation #main/Select a taxonomy group point mutation Select the database to identify resistance-associated point mutations with AMRFinderPlus.
  • string
Select a virulence genes detection database #main/Select a virulence genes detection database Select the database to identify virulence genes with ABRicate..
  • string


ID Name Description
4 staramr_amr_genes staramr_amr_genes
5 amrfinderplus_point_mutation amrfinderplus_point_mutation
6 abricate_virulence abricate_virulence
7 ToolDistillator ToolDistillator extracts results from tools and creates a JSON file for each tool
8 ToolDistillator summarize ToolDistillator summarize groups all JSON file into a unique JSON file


ID Name Description Type
abricate_virulence_report #main/abricate_virulence_report n/a
  • File
amrfinderplus_mutation #main/amrfinderplus_mutation n/a
  • File
amrfinderplus_nucleotide #main/amrfinderplus_nucleotide n/a
  • File
amrfinderplus_report #main/amrfinderplus_report n/a
  • File
staramr_blast_hits #main/staramr_blast_hits n/a
  • File
staramr_detailed_summary #main/staramr_detailed_summary n/a
  • File
staramr_excel_report #main/staramr_excel_report n/a
  • File
staramr_mlst_report #main/staramr_mlst_report n/a
  • File
staramr_plasmidfinder_report #main/staramr_plasmidfinder_report n/a
  • File
staramr_resfinder_report #main/staramr_resfinder_report n/a
  • File
staramr_settings #main/staramr_settings n/a
  • File
staramr_summary #main/staramr_summary n/a
  • File
tooldistillator_results #main/tooldistillator_results n/a
  • File
tooldistillator_summarize #main/tooldistillator_summarize n/a
  • File

Version History

v1.1.2 (latest) Created 20th Sep 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v1.1.2

Frozen v1.1.2 4e6aa46

v1.1.1 (earliest) Created 7th Sep 2024 at 03:04 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v1.1.1

Frozen v1.1.1 25aa875
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Views: 204   Downloads: 42   Runs: 0

Created: 7th Sep 2024 at 03:04

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Total size: 39.3 KB
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