Assembly with Flye
Version 1

Workflow Type: Galaxy

Assembly with Flye; can run alone or as part of a combined workflow for large genome assembly.

  • What it does: Assembles long reads with the tool Flye
  • Inputs: long reads (may be raw, or filtered, and/or corrected); fastq.gz format
  • Outputs: Flye assembly fasta; Fasta stats on assembly.fasta; Assembly graph image from Bandage; Bar chart of contig sizes; Quast reports of genome assembly
  • Tools used: Flye, Fasta statistics, Bandage, Bar chart, Quast
  • Input parameters: None required, but recommend setting assembly mode to match input sequence type

Workflow steps:

  • Long reads are assembled with Flye, using default tool settings. Note: the default setting for read type ("mode") is nanopore raw. Change this at runtime if required.
  • Statistics are computed from the assembly.fasta file output, using Fasta Statistics and Quast (is genome large: Yes; distinguish contigs with more that 50% unaligned bases: no)
  • The graphical fragment assembly file is visualized with the tool Bandage.
  • Assembly information sent to bar chart to visualize contig sizes


  • See other Flye options.
  • Use a different assembler (in a different workflow).
  • Bandage image options - change size (max size is 32767), labels - add (e.g. node lengths). You can also install Bandage on your own computer and donwload the "graphical fragment assembly" file to view in greater detail.

Infrastructure_deployment_metadata: Galaxy Australia (Galaxy)


ID Name Description Type
long reads long reads n/a
  • File


ID Name Description
1 Flye: assembly
2 Fasta statistics
3 Bandage image: Flye assembly
4 Quast genome report
5 Bar chart: show contig sizes barchart_gnuplot


ID Name Description Type
Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (consensus) Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (consensus) n/a
  • File
Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (assembly_graph) Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (assembly_graph) n/a
  • File
Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (Graphical Fragment Assembly) Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (Graphical Fragment Assembly) n/a
  • File
Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (assembly_info) Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (assembly_info) n/a
  • File
Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (log) Flye assembly on input dataset(s) (log) n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_1 _anonymous_output_1 n/a
  • File
Bandage Image on input dataset(s): Assembly Graph Image Bandage Image on input dataset(s): Assembly Graph Image n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): Log Quast on input dataset(s): Log n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): PDF report Quast on input dataset(s): PDF report n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): tabular report Quast on input dataset(s): tabular report n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): HTML report Quast on input dataset(s): HTML report n/a
  • File
Bar chart showing contig sizes Bar chart showing contig sizes n/a
  • File

Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 8th Nov 2021 at 05:07 by Anna Syme

Added/updated 2 files

Open master 9541ba8
help Creators and Submitter
Syme, A. (2021). Assembly with Flye. WorkflowHub.

Views: 5284   Downloads: 239   Runs: 0

Created: 8th Nov 2021 at 05:07

Last updated: 9th Nov 2021 at 01:11

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Total size: 568 KB
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