
What is a Workflow?
4 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 4

The workflow runs the RetroSynthesis algorithm to generate a collection of heterologous pathways in a host organism of choice, converts them to SBML files, performs analysis on the pathways to then rank the theoretical best performing ones.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Melchior du Lac

Submitter: Melchior du Lac


Generate possible metabolic routes for the production of a target molecule in an organism of choice

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Melchior du Lac

Submitter: Melchior du Lac


This workflow converts the top-ranking predicted pathways from the "RetroSynthesis" and "Pathway Analysis" workflows to plasmids intended to be expressed in the specified organism

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Melchior du Lac

Submitter: Melchior du Lac


Given a set of pathways generated by RetroPath2.0, this workflow informs the user as to the theoretically best performing ones based on four criteria: FBA, thermodynamic feasibility, length of the pathway, and reaction rule score.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Melchior du Lac

Submitter: Melchior du Lac

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