Assembly and intrahost/low-frequency variant calling for viral samples
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Sarai Varona and Sara Monzon, Patel H, Varona S and Monzon S
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Integration of viral sequences in genomic data
ONTViSc (ONT-based Viral Screening for Biosecurity)
eresearchqut/ontvisc is a Nextflow-based bioinformatics pipeline designed to help diagnostics of viruses and viroid pathogens for biosecurity. It takes fastq files generated from either amplicon or whole-genome sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Technologies as input.
The pipeline can either: 1) perform a direct search on the sequenced reads, 2) generate clusters, 3) assemble the reads to generate longer contigs or 4) directly ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Marie-Emilie Gauthier, Craig Windell, Magdalena Antczak, Roberto Barrero
Submitter: Magdalena Antczak
PAIRED-END workflow. Align reads on fasta reference/assembly using bwa mem, get a consensus, variants, mutation explanations.
- For "bcftools call" consensus step, the --ploidy file is in "Données partagées" (Shared Data) and must be imported in your history to use the worflow by providing this file (tells bcftools to consider haploid variant calling).
- SELECT THE MOST ADAPTED VADR MODEL for annotation (see vadr parameters).
SINGLE-END workflow. Align reads on fasta reference/assembly using bwa mem, get a consensus, variants, mutation explanations.
- For "bcftools call" consensus step, the --ploidy file is in "Données partagées" (Shared Data) and must be imported in your history to use the worflow by providing this file (tells bcftools to consider haploid variant calling).
- SELECT the mot ADAPTED VADR MODEL for annotation (see vadr parameters).
Non-functional workflow to get a global view of possibilities for plant virus classification.