
What is a Workflow?
745 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 794

Phylogenetic reconstruction using genome-wide and single-gene alignment data. Here we use maximum likelihood reconstruction program IQTree. Data can be prepared using the phylogenetic data preparation workflow prior to phylogenetic reconstruction. Resulting trees can be viewed interactively using Galaxy's 'Phyloviz' or 'Phylogenetic Tree Visualization'

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Miguel Roncoroni

Submitter: Miguel Roncoroni

This workflow begins from a set of genome assemblies of different samples, strains, species. The genome is first annotated with Funnanotate. Predicted proteins are furtner annotated with Busco. Next, 'ProteinOrtho' finds orthologs across the samples and makes orthogroups. Orthogroups where all samples are represented are extracted. Orthologs in each orthogroup are aligned with ClustalW. Test dataset:

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Miguel Roncoroni

Submitter: Miguel Roncoroni

Generic variation analysis on WGS PE data

This workflows performs paired end read mapping with bwa-mem followed by sensitive variant calling across a wide range of AFs with lofreq and variant annotation with snpEff. The reference genome can be provided as a GenBank file.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Anton Nekrutenko

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Generic consensus building

This workflow generates consensus sequences using a list of variants generated by Variant Calling Workflow.

The workflow accepts a single input:

  • A collection of VCF files

The workflow produces a single output:

  • Consensus sequence for each input VCF file

The workflow can be accessed at

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: Anton Nekrutenko


Generic variation analysis reporting

This workflow generates reports from a list of variants generated by Variant Calling Workflow.

The workflow accepts a single input:

  • A collection of VCF files

The workflow produces two outputs (format description below):

  1. A list of variants grouped by Sample
  2. A list of variants grouped by Variant

Here is example of output by sample. In this table all varinats in all samples are epxlicitrly listed:

| Sample | ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: Anton Nekrutenko


Generic variant calling

A generic workflow for identification of variants in a haploid genome such as genomes of bacteria or viruses. It can be readily used on MonkeyPox. The workflow accepts two inputs:

  • A genbank file with the reference genomes
  • A collection of paired fastqsanger files

The workflow outputs a collection of VCF files for each sample (each fastq pair). These VCF files serve as input to the Reporting workflow.

Workflow can be accessed ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: Anton Nekrutenko


These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the tools from the Stacks program.

Galaxy Australia:


This workflow is part of the reference-guided stacks workflow,

This workflow takes in bam files and a population map.

To generate bam files see:

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Anna Syme

Submitter: Anna Syme


These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the tools from the Stacks program.

Galaxy Australia:


This workflow is part of the reference-guided stacks workflow,


  • demultiplexed reads in fastq format, may be output from the QC workflow. Files are in a collection.
  • reference genome in fasta format ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Anna Syme

Submitter: Anna Syme


These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the tools from the Stacks program.

Galaxy Australia:


This workflow takes in ustacks output, and runs cstacks, sstacks and gstacks.

To generate ustacks output see

For the full de novo workflow see

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Anna Syme

Submitter: Anna Syme


These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the tools from the Stacks program.

Galaxy Australia:


For the full de novo workflow see

You may want to run ustacks with different batches of samples.

  • To be able to combine these later, there are some necessary steps - we need to keep track of how many ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Anna Syme

Submitter: Anna Syme

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