What is a Workflow?Filters
Workflow for Spliced RNAseq data Steps:
- workflow_quality.cwl:
- FastQC (Read Quality Control)
- fastp (Read Trimming)
- STAR (Read mapping)
- featurecounts (transcript read counts)
- kallisto (transcript [pseudo]counts)
Workflow for NonSpliced RNAseq data with multiple aligners.
- workflow_quality.cwl:
- FastQC (control)
- fastp (trimming)
- bowtie2 (read mapping)
- sam_to_sorted-bam
- featurecounts (transcript read counts)
- kallisto (transcript [pseudo]counts)
Amplicon analysis workflow using NG-Tax
- Quality control on the reads
- Execute NGTax for ASV detection and classification
For more information about NG-Tax 2.0 have a look at
Type: Common Workflow Language
Creators: Jasper Koehorst, Bart Nijsse, Jesse van Dam, Peter Schaap,
Submitter: Jasper Koehorst
A workflow querying on an endpoint of a graph database by a file containing a SPARQL query.
This workflow is used to process timeseries from meteorological stations in Finland but can be applied to any timeseries according it follows the same format.
Take a temperature timeseries from any meteorological station. Input format is csv and it must be standardized with 6 columns:
- Year (ex: 2021)
- month (ex: 1)
- day (ex: 15)
- Time (ex: 16:56)
- Time zone (such as UTC)
- Air temperature (degC)
Rare disease researchers workflow is that they submit their raw data (fastq), run the mapping and variant calling RD-Connect pipeline and obtain unannotated gvcf files to further submit to the RD-Connect GPAP or analyse on their own.
This demonstrator focuses on the variant calling pipeline. The raw genomic data is processed using the RD-Connect pipeline (Laurie et al., 2016) running on the standards (GA4GH) compliant, interoperable container ...
CWL version of the workflow for HPC. This performs a system setup and runs a molecular dynamics simulation on the structure passed to this workflow. This workflow uses the md_gather.cwl sub-workflow to gather the outputs together to return these. To work with more than one structure this workflow can be called from either the md_launch.cwl workflow, or the md_launch_mutate.cwl workflow. These use scatter for parallelising the workflow. md_launch.cwl operates on a list of individual ...
COnSensus Interaction Network InFErence Service
Inference framework for reconstructing networks using a consensus approach between multiple methods and data sources.
[Manica, Matteo, Charlotte, Bunne, Roland, Mathis, Joris, Cadow, Mehmet Eren, Ahsen, Gustavo A, Stolovitzky, and María Rodríguez, Martínez. "COSIFER: a python package for the consensus inference of molecular ...
Workflow to take DataOne data packages (raw datasets + metadata written in Ecological Metadata Standard) as input and create a DwC occurence.csv file almost ready to put in a Dawrin core Archive using eml-annotations at the attribute level
A porting of the Trinity RNA assembly pipeline,, that uses Nextflow to handle the underlying sub-tasks. This enables additional capabilities to better use HPC resources, such as packing of tasks to fill up nodes and use of node-local disks to improve I/O. By design, the pipeline separates the workflow logic (main file) and the cluster-specific configuration (config files), improving portability.
Based on a pipeline by Sydney Informatics Hub: ...