Teams: RECETOX SpecDatRI, RECETOX, usegalaxy-eu, ELIXIR Metabolomics
Organizations: Masaryk University, RECETOX

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Metabolomics, Python, R, Software Engineering, Workflows
Tools: Metabolomics, Python, R, Workflows, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Software Engineering, Metabolomics, Lipidomics
High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments are integral to quantum chemistry and computationally intense research, yet their complexity poses challenges for non-HPC experts. Navigating these environments proves challenging for researchers lacking extensive computational knowledge, hindering efficient use of domain specific research software. The prediction of mass spectra for in silico annotation is therefore inaccessible for many wet lab scientists. Our main goal is to facilitate non-experts ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Zargham Ahmad, Helge Hecht, Wudmir Rojas, RECETOX SpecDat
Submitters: Helge Hecht, Wudmir Rojas
Galaxy Workflow Documentation: MS Finder Pipeline
This document outlines a MSFinder Galaxy workflow designed for peak annotation. The workflow consists of several steps aimed at preprocessing MS data, filtering, enhancing, and running MSFinder.
Step 1: Data Collection and Preprocessing
Collect if the inchi and smiles are missing from the dataset, and subsequently filter out the spectra which are missing inchi and smiles.
1.1 MSMetaEnhancer: Collect InChi, Isomeric_smiles, and Nominal_mass
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Zargham Ahmad, Helge Hecht, Elliott J. Price, Research Infrastructure RECETOX RI (No LM2018121) financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and Operational Programme Research, Development and Innovation - project CETOCOEN EXCELLENCE (No CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_043/0009632).
Submitters: Helge Hecht, Zargham Ahmad
This workflow is composed with the XCMS tool R package (Smith, C.A. 2006) able to extract and the metaMS R package (Wehrens, R 2014) for the field of untargeted metabolomics.
This workflow is composed with the XCMS tool R package (Smith, C.A. 2006) able to extract, filter, align and fill gapand the possibility to annotate isotopes, adducts and fragments using the CAMERA R package (Kuhl, C 2012).
This repository hosts Metabolome Annotation Workflow (MAW). The workflow takes MS2 .mzML format data files as an input in R. It performs spectral database dereplication using R Package Spectra and compound database dereplication using SIRIUS OR MetFrag . Final candidate selection is done in Python using RDKit and PubChemPy.
Type: Common Workflow Language
Creators: Mahnoor Zulfiqar, Michael R. Crusoe, Luiz Gadelha, Christoph Steinbeck, Maria Sorokina, Kristian Peters
Submitter: Mahnoor Zulfiqar
This workflow is designed to analyze to a multi-omics data set that comprises genome-wide DNA methylation profiles, targeted metabolomics, and behavioral data of two cohorts that participated in the ACTION Biomarker Study (ACTION, Aggression in Children: Unraveling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies. (Boomsma 2015, Bartels 2018, Hagenbeek 2020, van Dongen 2021, Hagenbeek 2022). The ACTION-NTR cohort consists of twins that are either longitudinally concordant ...
Pre-processing of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics data