Workflow Type: Common Workflow Language
No description specified
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ID | Name | Description | Type |
raw_counts | Microarray data | Illumina beadchip raw gene expression data -GSE77627 |
bgxfile | Illumina beadchip array file | Illumina HumanHT-12 WG-DASL V4.0 R2 expression beadchip |
clinical_data | Clinical data | Clinical phenotype data |
ID | Name | Description |
pre_processing | Data pre-processing | Pre-processing input data |
quality_control | Quality control | Quality control of input data |
DEG | Differential gene expression analysis | Differential gene expression analysis using limma |
wgcna | Weighted gene co-expression network analysis | Weighted gene co-expression network analysis for module identification |
gsea_analysis | Gene set enrichment analysis and visualisation | Gene set enrichment analysis and visualisation in Cytoscape |
ME_network | Module eigenegene correlation network | Module eigenegene correlation network and visualisation in Cytoscape |
module_ora | Module enrichment analysis | Module enrichment analysis with significantly correlating modules |
ID | Name | Description | Type |
gsea_node_table | GSEA node table | Node table for GSEA network result visualisation in Cytoscape |
gsea_edge_table | GSEA edge table | Edge table for GSEA network result visualisation in Cytoscape |
net_data_table | Network data table | GSEA network data table |
add_net_data_table | Additional network data table | GSEA network additional visualisation table |
module_eigengene_net_nodetable | Module eigengene node data | Module eigenegene correlation network node table in Cytoscape |
module_eigengene_net_edgetable | Module eigengene edge data | Module eigenegene correlation network edge table in Cytoscape |
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 23rd Jan 2025 at 06:07 by Aishwarya Iyer
Initial commit

Not specifiedSubmitter
Views: 118 Downloads: 25
Created: 23rd Jan 2025 at 06:07

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