What is a Workflow?Filters
A pipeline for splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL) mapping.
The pipeline performs the following analysis steps:
- Index the genotype file
- Preprocess the transcript expression data
- Test for association between ...
A pipeline for multi-trait genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using MANTA.
The pipeline performs the following analysis steps:
- Split genotype file
- Preprocess phenotype and covariate ...
Just the cleaning then assembly of all reads. TO explore further follow one of the paths described in "Global view" (WF 0)
Mapping against all plant virus then make contig out of the mapped reads then blast them.
extract 1 Id from SRA and assume it is PE as input to viralRNASpades.
- Deprecated -
See our updated hybrid assembly workflow:
And other workflows:
Workflow for sequencing with ONT Nanopore data, from basecalled reads to (meta)assembly and binning
- Workflow Nanopore Quality
- Kraken2 taxonomic classification of FASTQ reads
- Flye (de-novo assembly)
- Medaka (assembly polishing)
- metaQUAST (assembly quality reports)
When Illumina reads are provided:
- Workflow ...
Type: Common Workflow Language
Creators: Bart Nijsse, Jasper Koehorst, Germán Royval
Submitter: Jasper Koehorst
1. About TF-Prioritizer
This pipeline gives you a full analysis of nfcore chromatine accessibility peak data (ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq or DNAse-Seq) and nfcore RNA-seq count data. It performs DESeq2, TEPIC and DYNAMITE including all preprocessing and postprocessing steps necessary to transform the data. It also gives you plots for deep analysis of the data. The general workflow is sketched in the images below:
Graphical abstract:
Snakemake workflow: Reconstructing raw tomography data
A Snakemake worfklow for tomographically reconstructing raw data using tomopy.
First download this repo and navigate to it
git clone
cd /path/to/repo
(Optional) Download the example folder with:
wget -m -np
This workflow take as input a collection of paired fastq. Remove adapters with cutadapt, map pairs with bowtie2 allowing dovetail. Keep MAPQ30 and concordant pairs. BAM to BED. MACS2 with "ATAC" parameters.
This workflow take as input a collection of paired fastq. It uses HiCUP to go from fastq to validPair file. The pairs are filtered for MAPQ and sorted by cooler to generate a tabix dataset. Cooler is used to generate a balanced cool file to the desired resolution.