Teams: NBIS, ERGA Assembly
Organizations: NBIS – National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Scientific workflow developement, Workflows
I'm a bioinformatician for the National Bioinformatics Infrastrure Sweden. I specialise in de novo genome assembly and workflow development with Nextflow. I'm also a Nextflow ambassador and nf-core maintainer.
Teams: ERGA Annotation, Bioinformatics Laboratory for Genomics and Biodiversity (LBGB)
Organizations: Genoscope

Expertise: Bioinformatics
Tools: Nextflow, Python, R, Genetic analysis, Single Cell analysis
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Scientific workflow developement
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Metagenomics, Data Management
Tools: CWL, Jupyter notebook, Nextflow, Molecular Biology, Workflows, Microbiology, Transcriptomics, Perl, Python, R
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Management, Genetics, Genomics, Machine Learning, Metagenomics, NGS, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering
Tools: Databases, Galaxy, Genomics, Jupyter notebook, Machine Learning, Nextflow, nf-core, PCR, Perl, Python, R, rtPCR, Snakemake, Transcriptomics, Virology, Web, Web services, Workflows
Dad, husband and PhD. Scientist, technologist and engineer. Bibliophile. Philomath. Passionate about science, medicine, research, computing and all things geeky!
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Computer Science, NGS, Software Engineering
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Metabarcoding, Metagenomics
Expertise: Bioinformatics
Bioinformatician in Stockholm, Sweden. Lead for nf-core and MultiQC projects.
The Bioinformatics Core helps researchers identify and interpret patterns in RNA and DNA by placing sequencing data into a biologically meaningful context. This encompasses assisting with experimental design, developing reproducible workflows, analyzing next-generation sequencing data, and supporting manuscript development/publication
Space: University of Michigan BRCF Bioinformatics Core
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
Tutorial and specification for packaging IEEE 2791-2020 (BioCompute Objects/BCOs) as RO-Crate Research Objects.
BioCompute Object (BCO) is a standard (IEEE 2791-2020) for describing computational workflows for regularory submission, e.g. a genomics workflow as part of personalized medicine.
RO-Crate is a community-based specification for research data packaging of Research Objects with rich metadata, based on open standards and vocabularies like JSON-LD and
BCO RO-Crate is the combination ...
Creators: Stian Soiland-Reyes, Jonathon Keeney, Hadley King, Janisha Patel, Alex Coleman
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: V. Murigneux, L. W. Roberts, B. M. Forde, M. D. Phan, N. T. K. Nhu, A. D. Irwin, P. N. A. Harris, D. L. Paterson, M. A. Schembri, D. M. Whiley, S. A. Beatson
Date Published: 25th Jun 2021
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 34172000
Citation: BMC Genomics. 2021 Jun 25;22(1):474. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-07767-z.
Nextflow Pipeline for DeepVariant
This repository contains a Nextflow pipeline for Google’s DeepVariant, optimised for execution on NCI Gadi.
Quickstart Guide
- Edit the
file to include:
: a list of samples, where each sample includes the sample name, BAM file path (ensure corresponding .bai is in the same directory), path to an optional regions-of-interest BED file (set to''
if not required), and the model type.ref
: path to the reference FASTA (ensure ...
Variant Interpretation Pipeline (VIP) that annotates, filters and reports prioritized causal variants in humans, see for more information.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Arnau Soler Costa, Amy Curwin, Jordi Rambla, All the Sarek team, nf-core comunity and people in the IMPaCT-Data project.
Submitter: Arnau Soler Costa
JAX NGS Operations Nextflow DSL2 Pipelines
This repository contains production bioinformatic analysis pipelines for a variety of bulk 'omics data analysis. Please see the Wiki documentation associated with this repository for all documentation and available analysis workflows.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Michael Lloyd, Brian Sanderson, Barry Guglielmo, Sai Lek, Peter Fields, Harshpreet Chandok, Carolyn Paisie, Gabriel Rech, Ardian Ferraj, Anuj Srivastava
Submitter: Michael Lloyd
This is a Nextflow implementaion of the GATK Somatic Short Variant Calling workflow. This workflow can be used to discover somatic short variants (SNVs and indels) from tumour and matched normal BAM files following GATK's Best Practices Workflow. The workflowis currently optimised to run efficiently and at scale on the National Compute Infrastructure, Gadi.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Nandan Deshpande, Tracy Chew, Cali Willet, Georgina Samaha
Submitter: Georgina Samaha
ONTViSc (ONT-based Viral Screening for Biosecurity)
eresearchqut/ontvisc is a Nextflow-based bioinformatics pipeline designed to help diagnostics of viruses and viroid pathogens for biosecurity. It takes fastq files generated from either amplicon or whole-genome sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Technologies as input.
The pipeline can either: 1) perform a direct search on the sequenced reads, 2) generate clusters, 3) assemble the reads to generate longer contigs or 4) directly ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Marie-Emilie Gauthier, Craig Windell, Magdalena Antczak, Roberto Barrero
Submitter: Magdalena Antczak
ANNOTATO - Annotation workflow To Annotate Them Oll
This workflow is designed to analyze to a multi-omics data set that comprises genome-wide DNA methylation profiles, targeted metabolomics, and behavioral data of two cohorts that participated in the ACTION Biomarker Study (ACTION, Aggression in Children: Unraveling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies. (Boomsma 2015, Bartels 2018, Hagenbeek 2020, van Dongen 2021, Hagenbeek 2022). The ACTION-NTR cohort consists of twins that are either longitudinally concordant ...
MGnify genomes catalogue pipeline
MGnify A pipeline to perform taxonomic and functional annotation and to generate a catalogue from a set of isolate and/or metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) using the workflow described in the following publication:
Gurbich TA, Almeida A, Beracochea M, Burdett T, Burgin J, Cochrane G, Raj S, Richardson L, Rogers AB, Sakharova E, Salazar GA and Finn RD. (2023) [MGnify Genomes: A Resource for Biome-specific Microbial Genome ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Ekaterina Sakharova, Tatiana Gurbich, Martin Beracochea
Submitter: Martin Beracochea
A command line tool for converting image data into either of the standard file formats OME-TIFF or OME-Zarr.
The tool wraps the dedicated file converters bfconvert and bioformats2raw to convert into OME-TIFF or OME-Zarr, respectively. The workflow management system NextFlow is used to perform conversion in parallel for batches of images.
The tool also wraps s3 and Aspera clients (go-mc and aspera-cli, respectively). ...
Module for integrative Mobilome prediction
Bacteria can acquire genetic material through horizontal gene transfer, allowing them to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions. These mobile genetic elements can be classified into three main categories: plasmids, phages, and integrons. Autonomous elements are those capable of excising themselves from the chromosome, reintegrating elsewhere, and potentially modifying the host's physiology. Small integrative elements like insertion ...
The containerised pipeline for profiling shotgun metagenomic data is derived from the MGnify pipeline raw-reads analyses, a well-established resource used for analyzing microbiome data. Key components:
- Quality control and decontamination
- rRNA and ncRNA detection using Rfam database
- Taxonomic classification of SSU and LSU regions
- Abundance analysis with mOTUs
A pipeline for multi-trait genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using MANTA.
The pipeline performs the following analysis steps:
- Split genotype file
- Preprocess phenotype and covariate ...
A pipeline for splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL) mapping.
The pipeline performs the following analysis steps:
- Index the genotype file
- Preprocess the transcript expression data
- Test for association between ...
GermlineStructuralV-nf is a pipeline for identifying structural variant events in human Illumina short read whole genome sequence data. GermlineStructuralV-nf identifies structural variant and copy number events from BAM files using Manta, Smoove, and TIDDIT. Variants are then merged using SURVIVOR, ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Georgina Samaha, Marina Kennerson, Tracy Chew, Sarah Beecroft
Submitter: Georgina Samaha
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Pablo Riesgo Ferreiro, Thomas Bukur, Patrick Sorn
Submitter: Pablo Riesgo Ferreiro
SAMBA is a FAIR scalable workflow integrating, into a unique tool, state-of-the-art bioinformatics and statistical methods to conduct reproducible eDNA analyses using Nextflow. SAMBA starts processing by verifying integrity of raw reads and metadata. Then all bioinformatics processing is done using commonly used procedure (QIIME 2 and DADA2) but adds new steps relying on dbOTU3 and microDecon to build high quality ASV count tables. Extended statistical analyses are also performed. Finally, SAMBA ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Cyril Noel, Alexandre Cormier, Laura Leroi, Patrick Durand, Laure Quintric
Submitter: Cyril Noel
microPIPE was developed to automate high-quality complete bacterial genome assembly using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in combination with Illumina sequencing.
To build microPIPE we evaluated the performance of several tools at each step of bacterial genome assembly, including basecalling, assembly, and polishing. Results at each step were validated using the high-quality ST131 Escherichia coli strain EC958 (GenBank: HG941718.1). After appraisal of each step, we selected the best combination of ...
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Valentine Murigneux, Leah W Roberts, Brian M Forde, Minh-Duy Phan, Nguyen Thi Khanh Nhu, Adam D Irwin, Patrick N A Harris, David L Paterson, Mark A Schembri, David M Whiley, Scott A Beatson
Submitter: Valentine Murigneux
ORSON combine state-of-the-art tools for annotation processes within a Nextflow pipeline: sequence similarity search (PLAST, BLAST or Diamond), functional annotation retrieval (BeeDeeM) and functional prediction (InterProScan). When required, BUSCO completness evaluation and eggNOG Orthogroup annotation can be activated. While ORSON results can be analyzed through the command-line, it also offers the possibility to be compatible with BlastViewer or Blast2GO graphical tools.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Cyril Noel, Alexandre Cormier, Patrick Durand, Laura Leroi, Pierre Cuzin
Submitter: Patrick Durand
A porting of the Trinity RNA assembly pipeline,, that uses Nextflow to handle the underlying sub-tasks. This enables additional capabilities to better use HPC resources, such as packing of tasks to fill up nodes and use of node-local disks to improve I/O. By design, the pipeline separates the workflow logic (main file) and the cluster-specific configuration (config files), improving portability.
Based on a pipeline by Sydney Informatics Hub: ...
Rare disease researchers workflow is that they submit their raw data (fastq), run the mapping and variant calling RD-Connect pipeline and obtain unannotated gvcf files to further submit to the RD-Connect GPAP or analyse on their own.
This demonstrator focuses on the variant calling pipeline. The raw genomic data is processed using the RD-Connect pipeline (Laurie et al., 2016) running on the standards (GA4GH) compliant, interoperable container ...
TronFlow is an open source collection of computational workflows originally conceived for tumor-normal somatic variant calling over whole exome data and the manipulation of BAM and VCF files with the aim of having comparable and analysis-ready data. Over time, we have extended it to germline variant calling, copy numbers and other related technologies and analyses.
Its modular architecture covers different analytical and methodological use cases that allow analysing FASTQ files into analysis-ready ...
Maintainers: Pablo Riesgo Ferreiro
Number of items: 2
Tags: Nextflow, variant calling, VCF, Mutect2, HaplotyeCaller, Strelka2, Alignment, Annotation