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EBP-Nor Genome Assembly pipeline
This repository contains the EBP-Nor genome assembly pipeline. This pipeline is implemented in snakemake. This pipeline is developed to create haplotype-resolved genome assemblies from PacBio HiFi reads and HiC reads, and is primarly designed for diploid eukaryotic organisms. The pipeline is designed to work on a linux cluster with slurm as workload manager.
Requirements & Setup
Some software need to be configured/installed before the pipeline can be run ...
CLAWS (CNAG's Long-read Assembly Workflow in Snakemake)
Snakemake Pipeline used for de novo genome assembly @CNAG. It has been developed for Snakemake v6.0.5.
It accepts Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) reads, PacBio HFi reads, illumina paired-end data, illumina 10X data and Hi-C reads. It does the preprocessing of the reads, assembly, polishing, purge_dups, scaffodling and different evaluation steps. By default it will preprocess the reads, run Flye + Hypo + purge_dups + yahs and evaluate ...
Type: Snakemake
Creators: Jessica Gomez-Garrido, Fernando Cruz (CNAG), Francisco Camara (CNAG), Tyler Alioto (CNAG)
Submitter: Jessica Gomez-Garrido
Welcome to the pipesnake. Let's get started.
pipesnake is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for phylogenomic reconstruction starting from short-read 'second-generation' sequencing data.
The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It uses Docker/Singularity ...
Workflow for Creating a large disease network from various datasets and databases for IBM, and applying the active subnetwork identification method MOGAMUN.
Type: Common Workflow Language
Creators: Daphne Wijnbergen, Mridul Johari
Submitter: Daphne Wijnbergen
Run velocyto to get loom with counts of spliced and unspliced. It will extract the 'barcodes' from the bundled outputs.
Lysozyme in water sample COMPSs application
Cluster Comparison COMPSs application
Cholesky factorisation COMPSs application